How to Quickly Cleanup Custom Extraction Data from Screaming Frog


Video Walkthrough


The video demonstrates how to use the Rows to Columns Converter tool in SEO Workflows to reformat and clean up data extracted from Screaming Frog, specifically from custom extractions.

Problem with Screaming Frog's Output

When performing custom extractions in Screaming Frog, the data is presented in rows, making it challenging to analyze effectively. The desired format is to have the data in columns.

Using the Rows to Columns Converter Tool

  • The tool requires a "STACK_ID," which is the column you want to stack everything against. In the example, the URL was used as the "STACK_ID" field.
  • After inputting the CSV file from Screaming Frog into the tool, it processes the data and provides a downloadable output.
  • The output organizes the data with column headers becoming a variable column, and the values spread across rows are now in a single value column.

Benefits of the Converted Data

  • The reformatted data is more accessible for analysis, especially in tools like Excel.
  • Users can create pivot tables to count instances for each URL, view specific instances, and more.
  • The example showcased counting the number of links within the main content of article pages.


The Rows to Columns Converter tool in SEO Workflows offers a practical solution for reformatting Screaming Frog data, making it more usable for in-depth analysis.

Have questions or feedback? Don't hesitate to reach out on LinkedIn!

Jason Melman