Craps: Diving Deep into Google's Clickstream Data (Google Leak - Module Types)

Last Updated: July 28th, 2024

In the leaked Content Warehouse API documentation, "Craps" type modules unveil a fascinating aspect of Google's ranking system: the analysis of user clickstream data. Craps modules appear to be closely tied to the Navboost system, which focuses on understanding user engagement and behavior in search results. These modules provide a glimpse into how Google uses clickstream data to gauge the relevance and quality of web pages based on how real users interact with them.

The Role of Craps Modules

Craps modules act as Google's user behavior analysts, meticulously tracking and analyzing the clicks, impressions, and other interactions that occur in search results. They gather data on:

  • Click-Through Rates (CTR): How often users click on a specific search result compared to other results for the same query.
  • Dwell Time: How long users spend on a page after clicking on a search result.
  • Bounce Rate: How often users quickly return to the search results after visiting a page, indicating potential dissatisfaction or lack of relevance.
  • Click Quality: Whether clicks are considered "good" (indicating user satisfaction) or "bad" (suggesting a poor user experience).

Examples of Craps Modules

  • QualityNavboostCrapsCrapsData: This core Craps module likely contains aggregated clickstream data, including clicks, impressions, good clicks, bad clicks, and last longest clicks. It may also include data sliced by country, language, and device type.
  • QualityNavboostCrapsCrapsClickSignals: This module likely represents specific click signals, such as absolute impressions, unicorn clicks (clicks from a distinct user group), and unsquashed clicks (raw click counts without adjustments).
  • QualityNavboostCrapsAgingData: This module likely tracks changes in click and impression data over time, helping Google identify evergreen content that remains consistently popular versus content that becomes outdated or loses relevance.
  • QualityNavboostCrapsCrapsDevice: This module likely contains information about the devices, operating systems, and browsers used by users who interact with search results, allowing Google to understand how user behavior varies across different devices.

User Engagement and Search Rankings

Craps modules highlight the importance of user engagement as a ranking factor. Google doesn't just analyze content in isolation; it also observes how real users interact with search results to refine its understanding of relevance and quality.

Key Takeaways

  • User Experience Matters: Creating a positive user experience is crucial for SEO. Pages that are engaging, informative, and easy to use are more likely to receive positive click signals.
  • Clickstream Data Provides Valuable Insights: Analyzing clickstream data in Google Analytics and Search Console can help SEOs understand how users are interacting with their websites and identify areas for improvement.
  • SEO is Not Just About Keywords and Backlinks: User engagement plays a significant role in Google's ranking algorithms. By focusing on user satisfaction, SEOs can improve their chances of ranking well and attracting more organic traffic.


By understanding and optimizing for user behavior signals captured by Craps modules, SEOs can align their strategies with Google's focus on user experience, leading to better search rankings and higher user satisfaction.