Mustang: Unmasking Google's Ranking Engine (Google Leak - System Overview)

Last Updated: July 28th, 2024

Google's leak of their internal Google content warehouse API documentation has shed light on a system known as "Mustang," which has provided a tantalizing glimpse into the heart of Google's ranking engine.

A crucial caveat: This leak consists of function references, not the actual source code. We can't definitively confirm how these signals are weighted or even if they are all actively used. Think of these insights as educated guesses, not guaranteed truths.

Below, you'll see references to Supported by - these indicate the specific API documentation modules and attributes used to derive the accompanying insights.

Role of the Mustang System

Imagine Mustang as a vast, intricate machine, constantly evaluating billions of web pages to determine which ones deserve to appear at the top of search results. It's a system fueled by machine learning, powered by a symphony of signals, and designed to connect users with the most relevant and authoritative content.

Key Signals Driving Mustang's Decisions

The leaked documents reveal a number of key signals that likely play a role in Mustang's ranking calculations:

Per-Document Data

[Supported by: PerDocData]

  • Spam Scores: Mustang employs a battery of spam detection algorithms, each analyzing different aspects of a page or website to assess the likelihood of spam. These scores consider factors like unnatural link patterns, suspicious content, and user behavior signals that might indicate spam.
  • Content Freshness: Timeliness matters, especially for topics where new information emerges frequently. Mustang analyzes signals related to publication dates, last update timestamps, update frequency, and domain age to determine how fresh and relevant a page's content is.
  • Language: To deliver the right content to the right audience, Mustang accurately identifies the language(s) used on a page. This ensures that pages are matched to appropriate search queries based on language.
  • Mobile-Friendliness: In today's mobile-first world, Mustang prioritizes pages that provide a positive mobile experience. It evaluates signals related to mobile rendering, responsiveness, and overall page experience, ensuring that users on smartphones and tablets have a smooth and enjoyable browsing experience.
  • Topical Authority: Mustang doesn't just look at content in isolation; it also considers the authority of a page within its specific topic area. This involves analyzing factors like the website's overall reputation, the author's expertise (if known), and the depth and accuracy of the content itself.

Snippet Generation

[Supported by: WWWSnippetResponse, QualityPreviewRanklabSnippet, QualityPreviewRanklabTitle]

  • Title Selection: The title that appears in search results is carefully chosen by Mustang's algorithms. It aims to select the most relevant and engaging title, enticing users to click and visit the page.
  • Snippet Extraction: Mustang extracts relevant text passages from the page to create informative and compelling snippets. These snippets provide users with a preview of the page's content, helping them decide whether it's worth clicking.
  • Query Term Highlighting: To improve readability and highlight relevance, Mustang bolds key terms from the user's search query within the title and snippet.

RankEmbed Information

[Supported by: QualityRankembedMustangMustangRankEmbedInfo]

  • RankEmbed is a powerful machine learning model that takes content understanding to a deeper level. It represents words and phrases as vectors in a multi-dimensional space, allowing Google to compare the semantic meaning of a query to the meaning of a document. This goes beyond simple keyword matching, enabling Mustang to identify relevant pages even if they don't contain the exact keywords used in the search.

Additional Ranking Signals

[Supported by: perdocdata.hostNsr, perdocdata.nsrDataProto, CompressedQualitySignals.nsrConfidence, QualityNsrNsrData, perdocdata.pagerank0, perdocdata.pagerank1, perdocdata.pagerank2, perdocdata.toolbarPagerank, perdocdata.homepagePagerankNs, research_science_search_source_url_docjoin_info.pagerank, qualitynavboostcrapscrapsdata]

  • NSR (Normalized Site Rank): NSR is a site-wide quality score that reflects the overall authority and trustworthiness of a website. It takes into account various factors, including content quality, link profile, reputation, and historical performance in search.
  • PageRank: While not the only ranking factor, PageRank still holds significant weight. This algorithm measures the importance of a page based on the number and quality of backlinks it has received.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Mustang incorporates click-through rate data, gathered by the Navboost system, to understand user engagement. Pages with higher CTRs suggest greater relevance and user satisfaction, potentially leading to a ranking boost.

Decoding Mustang for SEO Success

While we may never know the exact formula behind Mustang's ranking decisions, understanding its key signals provides valuable guidance for SEOs. By aligning your strategies with these potential ranking factors, you can improve your chances of ranking well and attracting more organic traffic.

Key Takeaways

  • Prioritize High-Quality Content: Create content that is in-depth, well-researched, original, and truly satisfies user intent. Avoid spammy tactics and focus on providing value to your target audience.
  • Craft Compelling Titles and Snippets: Write clear, concise, and engaging titles that accurately reflect your content and entice users to click. Structure your content with headings and subheadings to make snippet extraction easier for Google.
  • Build a Strong Website Authority: Earn high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in your niche. Develop a comprehensive content strategy that showcases your expertise and establishes you as a trusted source of information.
  • Optimize for Mobile: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and provides a seamless user experience across all devices.
  • Monitor User Engagement Metrics: Pay attention to click-through rates, bounce rates, and dwell times to understand how users are interacting with your content. Use this data to identify areas for improvement and optimize your pages for greater user satisfaction.


Mustang is not a static system. Google's engineers are constantly refining and updating its algorithms, incorporating new signals and adjusting weights to improve search quality. By staying informed about changes in the SEO landscape, testing new strategies, and adapting to evolving user behaviors, you can keep pace with Mustang and achieve lasting success in search.