Reconsideration Request: A Path to Restoring Your Website's Search Rankings

A reconsideration request is a critical step for any website owner who has faced a manual action penalty from Google. This process involves sending a detailed message to Google's webspam team, explaining the steps you've taken to rectify the issues that led to the penalty. In this article, we'll delve into the importance of reconsideration requests, their role in SEO, and provide actionable tips for successfully submitting one.

What is a Reconsideration Request?

A reconsideration request is essentially an appeal to Google to lift a manual action penalty that has been imposed on your website. Manual actions are penalties applied by Google's webspam team when they determine that a site has violated Google's Webmaster Guidelines. These penalties can severely impact your website's search rankings, making it crucial to address the issues promptly and effectively.

The Importance of Reconsideration Requests

Impact on Search Rankings

Manual action penalties can lead to a significant drop in your website's search rankings, resulting in decreased visibility and traffic. A successful reconsideration request can help restore your rankings by demonstrating to Google that you've fixed the issues and are now compliant with their guidelines.

Restoring Credibility

A manual action penalty can tarnish your website's credibility. By submitting a reconsideration request, you show Google and your users that you are committed to maintaining a high-quality, trustworthy site. This can help rebuild your reputation and regain the trust of your audience.

How to Submit a Reconsideration Request

Identify the Issues

Before you can submit a reconsideration request, you need to identify the issues that led to the manual action penalty. Google Search Console is a valuable tool for this, as it provides detailed information about the specific violations. Common issues include:

  • Spammy content: Low-quality or duplicate content.
  • Unnatural links: Links that are intended to manipulate PageRank.
  • User-generated spam: Spammy content posted by users in comments or forums.

Fix the Issues

Once you've identified the issues, take the necessary steps to fix them. This might involve removing or disavowing unnatural links, improving the quality of your content, or implementing stricter moderation for user-generated content. Ensure that all violations are thoroughly addressed before proceeding.

Document Your Efforts

When submitting a reconsideration request, it's essential to provide detailed documentation of the steps you've taken to fix the issues. This can include:

  • Screenshots: Before and after images showing the changes you've made.
  • Links: URLs of the pages where issues have been fixed.
  • Explanations: Clear descriptions of the actions you've taken and why they address the violations.

Write a Clear and Concise Request

Your reconsideration request should be clear, concise, and to the point. Start by acknowledging the issues and taking responsibility for them. Then, outline the steps you've taken to fix the problems and provide the supporting documentation. Be honest and transparent, as Google's webspam team will appreciate your sincerity.

Submit the Request

Once your reconsideration request is ready, submit it through Google Search Console. Navigate to the "Manual Actions" section, click on "Request Review," and follow the prompts to submit your request. Be patient, as it can take several weeks for Google to review and respond to your request.

Practical Tips for a Successful Reconsideration Request

  1. Be Thorough: Ensure that all issues are fully addressed before submitting your request. Incomplete fixes can lead to a denial.
  2. Stay Honest: Be transparent about the issues and the steps you've taken to fix them. Attempting to deceive Google's webspam team can result in further penalties.
  3. Provide Evidence: Include as much supporting documentation as possible to demonstrate your efforts.
  4. Follow Up: If your request is denied, carefully review the feedback from Google, make the necessary adjustments, and submit a new request.
  5. Learn and Prevent: Use this experience as a learning opportunity to prevent future violations. Regularly monitor your site for compliance with Google's guidelines.


A reconsideration request is a vital tool for restoring your website's search rankings after a manual action penalty. By understanding the importance of this process and following best practices for submission, you can effectively appeal to Google's webspam team and regain your site's visibility and credibility. Remember to be thorough, honest, and proactive in addressing the issues to ensure a successful reconsideration request.