Title Optimization Checker

Title Optimization Checker
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Drag & drop or choose file.
  1. Navigate to https://www.semrush.com/analytics/organic/positions/.
  2. Individually input and download each of the desired domains into the search bar within SEMRush.
  3. Click the 'Export' CTA on the bottom righthand side of the 'Organic Keywords Trend' and download as CSV files.
  4. *Crawl will be completed on URLs in export if the auto option is selected! The max URLs for static HTML is 200.
  5. If Manual Crawl input option is selected - a 2nd dropzone will appear. Add a CSV to this Dropzone with the 2 column headers 'URL' & 'Tag'.
  1. Either click on the dropzone or drag and drop files onto the dropzone
  2. Double check to ensure all the files have the .csv extension when adding!
  1. MSV input will exclude all data less than this value. E.g., if you add 100, no keywords with less than 100 volume will be in output dataset.
  2. Brand input will exclude all keywords that contain the word / phrase. E.g., '3q' would eliminate '3q / 3qdigital / 3q digital / etc...'
Input Example - CSV File
CSV File
Output Example - Excel File
Excel File

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